Friday, June 18, 2010

Selfemployment Is Not For Everyone ( II )

Find a suitable profession

Unless you are an inventor or super smart, you will become self-employed doing something that many have tried and proven in the past. Perhaps your approach may be personalized, but in the end your product or service has already been done, many times over. But, there is one big difference between you and others that have gone before you and that ingredient that magic pill that spawns greatness is . . . You! You are the factor in the success formula. The depth of your endeavor depends on your ability to perform. You must prepare to dedicate yourself for battle by making certain you can face the challenges ahead.

Believe in yourself

Your core beliefs must be high spirited and executed with confidence. Like an Olympian trains for the game, if you are to be a contender, you must also train for success. Success only come to those who pay the price for it. You must sacrifice yourself to the intensity of the challenge. Being adequately prepared could be the difference between success and failure.

What turns a person away from a traditional job and toward self discovery? Many times it's need. The need to fulfill a requirement, desire or pressure from his/her environment. Most often when there is pressure for money, most people will get a part time job to fill their need. They get the mindset that they need extra money over and above what their current job provides. They don't think of a complete change in venue.

The fact is, if you have an independent spirit, you will never be satisfied working for someone else. You will constantly be dissatisfied and have a feeling of incompleteness. Your spirit will demand more of you and until you comply, you will never be settled.

Meet the challenge head on.

The challenge is not what you are going to do, it's "if" and "how" you are going to do it. First off, choose something you can do. Don't worry about loving it and all that junk, just find something you can be productive in. You're going to be competing with other people, no matter how you look at it, so choose and get started.

Hone your peoples skills

People have a lot of choices and thus far none have been for you. They want quality, low price and most of all, someone they can trust. Build confidence through mannerisms and by being professional and standing by your word. Always treat your customer like a respected equal. Build solid relationships and your customers will refer you to their other acquaintances which is called, "center of influence" marketing.

There's nothing to it but to do it!

The mechanics of starting a home based business are all pretty much the same. Just follow protocol and lean heavily on your own expertise.

Happy Trails

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