Tuesday, December 29, 2009

just another way

Every students has their own spirit to finish their study, especially for they which called as a ‘forever student’ from their levelmate. When they’ve been graduated, they found another problem such as ‘what i want to do and where should i work?’. Sometimes, the real is not always same with our dreams. When we were studied we always dreaming about our dream job. But, when we got the certificate, we got confused because what we feel were not ourself.

In generally, every students have their own big idealism when they were in college, but for the real life it was really unsuitable and force them to survive in their knowledge that found unexpressly at their environment which far away from their major. But, those were not what i want to tell here, the most important things is the others major of it.

A business, this word is familiar for you. Undirectly, every level of citizens join in the business world. There was a seller and also customer, that was definition of business in a little space. In a large definition, a business really has many of definitions.

A worker also have a business although it was just for their part time. There was a business of cosmetics, equipments until business for foods. It was good for trade if it’s allowed and didn’t got inflict for people. Nowadays businesses is online business or we can called it as online shopping. The seller market their products with tagged the picture or catalog in their web or blog, and the customer choosing by browsing. All of transactions done with online including the payments. Need high for trust and believe between the seller and customer.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

cyber world

It was so amazing to me knew cyber world for the first time. my first email i got from my high school friend, Ery. She teached me step by step how to create an email. until she trusted me to learn by my self. I was so excited with cyber. i learn about send/receive email, chat, and send an e-card. i had cyber friend, i told him i was a new comers n so sorry i used a broken english.

that's my first experience in cyber. and now i'm a cyberholic. i can sit and open internet in a whole day only for read my friend's post in mailing list, open my social account (facebook, twitter, tagged, multiply), i also have online shop (my favorite new bussiness). i never regret come to cyber world.

otherwise, cyber crime is popular now, such as deception in online shop. between seller and buyer needs a high integrity and can be trusted each other. always make sure before doing some transaction.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Ketika Jalan Tak Lagi Searah

Semangat untuk cepat lulus kuliah sudah pasti dimiliki setiap mahasiswa, terutama mereka yang sudah mendapat julukan "mahasiswa abadi" dari teman-teman seangkatan. Saat sudah lulus, kembali dipusingkan dengan pertanyaan "saya mau kerja apa dan dimana ya?". terkadang kenyataan tidak sesuai dengan impian. saat dibangku kuliah sangat memimpikan mendapat pekerjaan yang sesuai dengan jurusannya. tetapi saat ijazah sudah ditangan, justru bingung karena justru merasa tidak cocok dengan ilmu yang didapat dulu.

Secara garis besar idealis seorang mahasiswa sangat besar ketika masih menuntut ilmu dibangku kuliah, tetapi kenyataan justru bertolakbelakang dan mengharuskan mereka untuk tetap bertahan hidup dengan ilmu-ilmu yang secara tidak sengaja ditemui di lingkungan pekerjaan yang jauh sekali dari jurusan kuliah dulu. tapi bukan hal ini yang saya ingin bahas sekarang, justru bidang lain itulah yang akan kita bicarakan.

Bisnis, kata ini tentu sudah tidak asing lagi ditelinga anda. Semua golongan masyarakat secara tidak langsung berkutat di dalam dunia bisnis. Ada penjual dan ada juga pembeli, itu bisnis dalam arti sempit. Dalam arti luas tentu memiliki begitu banyak definisi.

orang yang bekerja sekarang juga menjalankan bisnis walau pun hanya sebagai sampingan saja. mulai dari bisnis kosmetik, perabot, sampai bisnis makanan juga. Saya pikir memang tidak salah berjualan, selama itu halal dan tidak merugikan orang lain. saat ini lebih marak lagi dengan bisnis online atau biasa disebut dengan online shopping. Si penjual memasarkan produk dengan memajang foto atau katalog di web atau blog mereka, dan si pembeli pun memilih-milih barang secara maya. Seluruh transakasi penjualan dan pembelian dilakukan secara online termasuk pembayaran. Dibutuhkan tingkat kepercayaan dan kejujuran yg tinggi diantara penjual dengan pembeli.