Friday, June 18, 2010

Selfemployment Is Not For Everyone ( I )

Challenge Yourself To Break Away From Tradition
The challenge of self-employment can be overwhelming to a person who has always worked for someone else. The very idea of self-employment sends ripples of fear and anxiety into the heart of traditional workers. Traditional people do not seriously think about stepping into the unfamiliar world of self-reliance. Most people are very comfortable and thrive in the traditional workforce. Simply put, most people are follows who don't want to be independent. Society has spawn a compliant workforce that happily does its bidding. Most people are followers, "wage earners" and do not desire freedom or seek the complexities of self-employment. They don't have the courage nor persistence to break away from the mold and become anything different.

Is Job security a plus?

Average people are obedient to traditional ideas and will not break from civil boundaries. The comfort of following becomes their life's compliancy. The tried and proven formula is: "a job equals a paycheck equals security equals satisfaction." Their main objective is to pay the bills, not their job or independence. When a person becomes complacent, he/she loses the motivation to excel or expand. His/her expectant perception becomes narrow and predictable and he/she settles into a mental daze. As the self is subdued, attention is given to the material world stimulus such as TV, hobbies or seeking relationships. That small creative fire within that could have been a roaring fire, grows cold and eventually goes out.

Why be self-employed?

Why would anyone want to be self-employed? Isn't working for someone else, less risky and just plain easier? Quite possibility it is easier and more reliable working for someone else. But that is no consolation for some of us, we must step outside the box to find and experience a real life experience. It's not about freedom, no one is truly free, it's about the challenge and satisfying an inner urge for living life to its fullest. It's about an adrenalin rush in the risk and facing life in a whole new dimension. And in the end, it's about finding your true self.

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